
Enhancing Operational Resilience through Third-Party Risk Management in Supply Chains


In today’s interconnected business environment, managing supply chain risks is a complex yet essential task for organizations worldwide. A significant challenge these organizations face is the lack of a clear understanding of the risks their suppliers and other third-party entities pose. This gap in knowledge can lead to disruptions in operations, damage to reputation, and adverse financial outcomes. Given the heavy reliance on external products and services, the necessity of implementing a robust strategy to oversee third-party relationships is more crucial than ever.

The Challenge

The primary obstacle organizations encounter is the limited visibility into the operations of their third-party vendors. This opacity presents a considerable risk in managing supply chain issues effectively. Any supplier disruption could potentially halt the organization’s supply chain without adequate insight, causing significant operational and financial setbacks.

Strategy Development

Developing a third-party risk management approach that provides comprehensive insight into the organization’s diverse vendors is fundamental to addressing these challenges. Such an approach is about mitigating risks and understanding and preparing for potential threats across the entire supply chain. The strategy must consider the four pivotal risks: cyberattacks, natural disasters, material scarcity, and economic conditions. These factors can impact suppliers at any stage of the supply chain and, by extension, the organization itself. A detailed and well-executed strategy is essential for mitigating these risks and optimizing outcomes.


With IMC as the implementation partner for Corporater, your organization can leverage a seamless integration and deployment of the Corporater Third-Party Risk Management solution. IMC’s expertise and experience in implementing Corporater will ensure that your third-party risk management strategy is effectively operationalized, aligning with your organization’s specific needs and objectives. IMC’s role as an implementation partner means they will facilitate a tailored setup of the Corporater platform, ensuring that it comprehensively addresses the pivotal risks of cyberattacks, natural disasters, material scarcity, and economic conditions within your supply chain. This partnership allows for a more nuanced and organization-specific approach to mitigating and preparing for potential threats across your vendor network.


The implementation of a Third-Party Risk Management system typically results in enhanced visibility and control over external partnerships, proactive risk identification and mitigation, and assured compliance with regulatory standards. This leads to improved operational resilience, enabling organizations to maintain continuity even in disruptive circumstances. Additionally, this system supports informed decision-making, safeguards the organization’s reputation from potential third-party failures, and promotes cost efficiency by preempting financial losses linked to third-party issues. Overall, the system strengthens stakeholder confidence by demonstrating a robust approach to managing external risks.

In conclusion, the art of shielding your business from supply chain disruptions is effectively managing third-party risks. Organizations that recognize the importance of this aspect and invest in developing a robust management strategy are better positioned to navigate the complexities of modern supply chains. The journey towards operational resilience is ongoing, requiring dedication, insight, and a proactive approach to risk management. IMC is an implementation Partner of Corporater.

Contact us for expert risk management strategies and lasting stakeholder trust.

Strategies for Compliance and Success to Combat Global Mobility Tax Challenges

With paradigms shifting in modern workspaces, global mobility has emerged as a strategic requirement for businesses to leverage cross-border talent. This practice involves relocating employees from one country to another for specific assignments. Employee relocation brings several advantages to the table, such as cultural exchange, talent acquisition, and expanding business. However, the practice isn’t free from tax-related challenges that require businesses to take proactive strategies and carry out meticulous planning to comply with tax regulations.

In this edition, we present you with this complete guide to global mobile strategy, where we have comprehensively discussed various tax-related challenges and recommended the best principles to overcome these legal hurdles.

1. Knowing Tax Residency

In global mobility tax management, tax residency serves as a foundational concept. It defines the legal tax status of a business entity or individual in a given country. The criteria for tax residency vary across jurisdictions. For instance, in Germany, people residing in the country continuously for six months face tax residency obligations.

While the responsibility for declaring tax residence primarily lies with the employee, employers can play a pivotal role in supporting their workforce through proactive measures. With tax equalization or tax protection mechanisms, employees can significantly benefit while exploring tax complexities as they work on international assignments.

Tax protection is all about ensuring that an employee on assignment pays either the same or less tax compared to the amount they would have shelled out in their home country. In case, tax obligations in the host country exceed that in the employees’ home country, the additional tax burden is covered by the company.

On the other hand, if the tax burden is lower in the host country, the employee retains the difference, which fosters a fair and balanced tax approach.

The consequences of incorrectly determining tax residency can be severe, including fees and penalties imposed by foreign authorities.

2. Effect of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs)

Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) play a pivotal role in facilitating international business by preventing double taxation of income and property between countries. The prime benefits of DTAs include:

  • Fostering higher trade volumes between two countries
  • Ensuring that taxpayers need to pay tax only in one country
  • Streamlining cross-border business

While DTAs can save money for both the employee and the employer, it comes with a few drawbacks. The varying regulations across countries make such agreements complicated. Businesses must adhere to reporting requirements in both their home country and the country of residence.

One effective strategy to mitigate double taxation risks is to structure compensation packages like salaries or bonuses. While these are taxable for employees, they can also be deducted as business expenses.

3. Taxation of Expat Employees

Employers with a global workforce must understand the complexities of local and national tax laws in the host country. These tax laws encompass income tax regulations, social security systems, and compliance requirements for employee withholding, tax payments, and tax return filings.

Non-compliance with tax laws, even if unintentional, can result in significant financial penalties. Forward-thinking businesses seek professional global mobility services, prioritizing their expertise in mobility tax or international payroll services.

Business travel introduces additional tax considerations, including double taxation, establishment of permanent establishments, and tax withholding obligations. In certain cases, the situation amounts to permanent establishment when a company conducts business activities at a fixed place in the host country, triggering tax liabilities in that jurisdiction.

Employers can proactively manage these tax challenges by partnering with third-party experts well-versed in tax regulations. Many companies opt for integrated global payments and payroll systems to centralize documentation and streamline their tax compliance processes.

4. Levying Tax on Business Travelers

Business travelers play a crucial role in driving sales, networking, project implementation, training, and other business-related activities. With business travel, comes the concept of establishing a permanent entity in the host country from where the company carries out its operations. The process invites tax obligations based on the activities of a business traveler.

The host country may require tax to be withheld on certain payments to business travelers who aren’t residents. For instance, these payments include bonuses, salaries, or other types of compensation. Between countries, the rates and requirements of withholding tax tend to vary.

Business travelers are difficult to track as they don’t alter their address in the HRIS system. Here are some processes to track these employees:

  • Tracking mobile phones
  • Timesheet reporting
  • Self-certification
  • Expense accounts
  • Travel database or vendor reports
As business travelers remain tied to their original payroll location, the allocation of income and adherence to payroll regulations encompass a wide range of components such as salaries, equity-based compensation, benefits, and long-term incentives. This explains the need for a collaborative approach involving employees, payroll departments, and executive leadership to guarantee compliance.

5. Tax Equalization Management

Tax equalization ensures that employees facing international assignments pay taxes at the same rate as they would in their home country. If the foreign country has lower taxes, the company retains the savings, while it covers the difference if taxes are higher.

When creating a tax equalization policy, it’s crucial to address factors such as the treatment of spouses or partners, handling of income and capital gains, and considerations regarding property purchases in the host country.

Partnering with global employment and tax experts is recommended when developing a tax equalization policy. Working closely with a professional for global employee benefits solutions, businesses can align their policy with their core values to ensure cost-effectiveness.

6. Tax Treatment of Employee Benefits

Employee benefits include a wide range of offerings beyond salaries as compensations. Some of these are health insurance, paid time off (PTO), shares, retirement benefits, and more. It’s essential to note that benefits provided to employees within a global mobility program are subject to taxation.

Many countries, including Canada, have mandated the reporting of employee benefits. In Europe, a ‘pay where you work’ policy generally applies to benefits. These agreements may exempt employees from social security obligations in the new location, but a Certificate of Coverage may be required.

In the absence of such agreements, social security payment agreements are made jointly by the home and host countries.

7. Equity-Based Compensation Taxes

Equity-based compensation, also known as share-based compensation, presents unique tax considerations in mobility. This form of compensation provides employees with non-cash rewards that grant partial ownership of the company, including stock options, stock appreciation rights (SARs), restricted stock, and Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs).

One key challenge in managing equity-based compensation across borders is the lack of consistent tax treatment among countries. This disparity can lead to tax risks and consequences for employees.

Important factors to consider include:

  • The reporting and withholding rules of the host country
  • Country-specific laws that may impose limitations on payroll withholding for departing employees
  • Inconsistent regulations between the home and host countries, leading to timing discrepancies in the taxation of income
Therefore, it’s crucial to review individual equity-based compensation plans and determine the appropriate tax treatment in each relevant country.

8. Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Value-Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax applicable to goods or services within EU member states. This tax is levied on the final consumer of the product or service.

For instance, if your business sells a product to an EU-VAT registered company operating in another EU country, you do not charge VAT on that sale. However, if the same product is sold to an end consumer within the EU, VAT may be applicable based on the specific rate in their country.

VAT is structured around consumption rather than income. Unlike income tax, which imposes higher taxes on the wealthy, VAT applies uniformly to every purchase.

The tax is calculated on the gross margin throughout the sales process. This includes manufacturing, distribution, and selling stages. VAT is collected at each stage of this process, unlike a sales tax system where the tax is only paid by the consumer at the end of the supply chain.

Non-compliance of businesses with VAT regulations can invite tax evasion charges. Given that each country has its own rules, obligations, and filing requirements, it’s essential to establish a well-structured process to ensure full compliance with VAT obligations.

9. Transfer Pricing Impact

MNCs deploy transfer pricing strategies while shifting profits from high-tax jurisdictions to tax havens. This strategy involves selling goods and services within the company at artificially inflated prices.

For example, a company might purchase office supplies for an employee working abroad to shift profits outside the home country, thereby minimizing or avoiding taxes on profits.

Another scenario involves manufacturing software in a low-cost jurisdiction like China. The company then sells this software to an affiliate in a tax haven for the same amount, effectively shifting profits out of China. Subsequently, the tax haven affiliate resells the software to another affiliate in a different country at a genuine market price.

Transfer pricing not only allows your company to save costs (since the transfer price is typically lower than the market price of the product), but it also ensures product availability. This is because goods are manufactured internally within the company, eliminating the need to rely on external suppliers.

Transfer pricing poses a significant challenge due to its complexity. Unlike market prices, which are primarily determined by supply and demand, transfer prices are influenced by various factors, rendering the process intricate.

This complexity extends to its impact on taxation, both direct and indirect. Cross-border transactions’ pricing serves as the basis for calculating customs duties and distributing profits among involved parties, affecting the allocation of tax bases across jurisdictions.

To maintain compliance, it’s imperative for companies to conduct proactive analyses of their operations and stay abreast of evolving transfer pricing regulations.

Navigate the Challenges of Global Mobility

Global mobility has the potential to affect your company across various tax dimensions. It is crucial to comprehend factors such as tax residency, the impact of taxes on employee benefits, and compliance protocols such as tax equalization and VAT.

This underscores the significance of meticulous planning and adherence to regulations. In the absence of a well-thought-out strategy, a non-compliant business may incur substantial fines and penalties from local authorities, along with associated legal expenses. Moreover, non-compliance can lead to severe consequences, including legal repercussions, contract breaches, revoked licenses, and more.

In summary, having a robust global compliance policy is imperative for successfully conducting business internationally and avoiding compliance errors.

While taxation and compliance seem to be a complex domain, partnering with a reputable and experienced organization like the IMC Group can work for you. As a leading Global Mobility service provider, we provide comprehensive services tailored to meet the complex needs of global businesses.

UAE Corporate Tax

The Cabinet Decision No.10 of 2024, which came into effect on March 1, 2024, has been announced. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has outlined important dates for corporate tax registration, and it’s crucial to act swiftly. If you miss the deadline, you could be facing an AED 10,000 ($2700.00) fine.

The first deadline for juridical persons is May 31, 2024. This is part of the new tax rules from the FTA, reflecting the Corporate Taxation Law that kicked in last June, affecting all financial periods starting from then.

For any businesses commenced before March 1, 2024, you need to register for corporate tax by the dates mentioned below. And if you’re a new business by March 1, 2024, you have three months to register.

Staying on top of these rules is key.
Month of Licence issuance irrespective of year of issuance Deadline to apply for Corporate Tax Registration
1 January – 31 January 31 May 2024
1 February – 28/29 February 31 May 2024
1 March – 31 March 30 June 2024
1 April – 30 April 30 June 2024
1 May – 31 May 31 July 2024
1 June – 30 June 31 August 2024
1 July – 31 July 30 September 2024
1 August – 31 August 31 October 2024
1 September – 30 September 31 October 2024
1 October – 31 October 30 November 2024
1 November – 30 November 30 November 2024
1 December – 31 December 31 December 2024
Companies often struggle to keep up with changing tax regulations. At IMC, our experienced team is committed to helping in-house tax departments smoothly navigate the new corporate tax (CT) landscape with our Corporate Tax Advisory in UAE. Our tax experts conduct tax impact assessments, examine transfer pricing, review cross-border transactions, and develop operational strategies for businesses throughout the UAE.
Ready for Tax Success?

IMC is your go-to expert for Corporate Tax in the U.A.E. We’re dedicated to assisting you in keeping up with tax regulations so you can focus on growing your business. IMC Group believes in empowering businesses with the knowledge and tools they need for complete tax compliance.

Trust us to guide you through these changes with ease and confidence.

Remember, it’s not just about avoiding fines – it’s about ensuring your business thrives under the new tax laws. Let IMC help you get there.

The Transformative Force in GRC: Unraveling the Impact of Knowledge Graphs

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, the need for effective Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) management is more critical than ever. With the expansion of economic, geopolitical, social, healthcare, cybersecurity challenges, and more, the complexity of GRC tasks has significantly increased, particularly in sectors like healthcare.


A leading healthcare organization recently encountered distinct GRC challenges, spurred by the delicate nature of health information, stringent regulatory demands, and the fast-paced evolution of technology. These challenges revolve around safeguarding patient data, adhering to healthcare laws, managing clinical trial and medical research risks, and ensuring compliance amidst technological advancements.


IMC steps in with solutions tailored to the unique GRC hurdles faced by this healthcare firm. As an implementation partner of Corporater, a renowned software company, IMC crafts holistic strategies to navigate these GRC complexities. Corporater’s platform offers a unified solution for managing GRC across medium to large organizations, emphasizing data protection, regulatory compliance frameworks, and risk management in clinical settings. Our strategy includes regular compliance checks, compliance-oriented training for staff, and promoting a culture focused on compliance and risk consciousness among medical professionals. By embracing technology, we aim to streamline GRC processes and enhance cooperation between healthcare providers and regulatory authorities.

Key Elements:

Our approach emphasizes consistent compliance evaluations and equipping medical staff with the knowledge to follow strict protocols. Creating an environment that values compliance and risk awareness is key to strengthening GRC frameworks within healthcare organizations.

Leveraging Technology and Expertise:

Understanding technology’s critical role, IMC collaborates with healthcare institutions to integrate advanced GRC solutions via Corporater. This platform aligns GRC efforts with strategic objectives, enhancing transparency, accountability, and strategic decision-making across organizations. These partnerships facilitate smooth navigation through complex regulatory landscapes while embracing technological progress.


IMC’s initiatives lead to enhanced precision and innovation in healthcare GRC, enabling organizations to protect patient information, comply with regulations, and manage the risks associated with clinical research. By employing a knowledge graph to monitor clinical trial risks, healthcare organizations can link vast datasets, including trial specifics, participant data, progress, and outcomes, improving patient safety, regulatory compliance, and the speed of drug development.

The focus on precision in healthcare promotes a secure, compliant atmosphere that supports the adoption of innovative technologies for better patient care. IMC, in collaboration with Corporater, continues to push the boundaries of GRC excellence in the evolving healthcare sector.


The adoption of knowledge graphs has significantly enhanced the GRC capabilities of the company, positioning it as a leader in integrating cutting-edge technologies for comprehensive governance, risk management, and compliance. The dynamic adaptability of knowledge graphs ensures the company stays ahead in the rapidly changing regulatory landscape.

Join us in exploring the future of GRC, where its potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your organization’s GRC strategies is boundless. IMC’s commitment to revolutionizing GRC in government sectors is evident through strategic partnerships, expertise, and customized solutions. Corporater enables organizations to align their governance, performance, risk, and compliance efforts with strategic goals, promoting a unified strategy that boosts organizational efficiency and supports sustainable growth.

A Comprehensive Approach to Corporate Security and Safety Awareness Training Program for Employees


In an era of rapid digitization, organizations across all sectors increasingly rely on information systems, introducing new efficiencies but also exposing them to evolving cyber threats. Studies, such as Verizon’s DBIR 2023, underscore the human factor as a pivotal element in cybersecurity, with 74% of successful breaches attributed to human error.

The Human Factor in Cybersecurity

Recognizing the significance of the human factor, organizations aim to instil a culture of security awareness among employees. Traditional approaches have proven insufficient in addressing the dynamic nature of cyber threats.

Modern Approaches to Cybersecurity Training

Enterprises now leverage modern, automated methods for effective training, aiming not only for compliance but genuine engagement.

Efficacy of Cybersecurity Training

A study on 12.5 million users highlights the effectiveness of such programs. Participants, after 12 months of cyber security awareness training, showed a remarkable 6-fold reduction in susceptibility to phishing attacks, dropping from 33.2% to 5.4%.

Transition to Workplace Safety

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, workplace safety is equally crucial. Security awareness training becomes imperative, not merely as a compliance measure but as a strategic investment in collective defence.

Mitigating Social Engineering Risks

To mitigate social engineering risks, organizations implement practical training models such as:

  • Simulated Phishing Exercises: Creating an environment for employees to recognize and resist manipulation tactics.
  • Interactive Workshops: Conducting sessions covering the latest security threats, best practices, and real-world examples
Comprehensive Training Strategies

Monthly security awareness campaigns, security notice boards, two-factor authentication (2FA), and clear security policies form essential components of a comprehensive training strategy.

  • Monthly Campaigns: Focused on specific safety topics, providing targeted information and resources.
  • Security Notice Boards: Visual reinforcement serving as a constant reminder of the importance of workplace safety.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an extra layer of security, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Clear Security Policies: Developing and communicating policies on acceptable use, data handling, and reporting procedures.
The symbiotic relationship between cybersecurity and safety awareness training is paramount for organizational resilience. By prioritizing these training initiatives, companies can fortify their defenses against evolving threats, fostering a workplace culture that values and prioritizes both cybersecurity and overall safety. In the digital age, continuous knowledge and practical measures serve as the best defense against the ever-changing landscape of cybSer threats.
Safeguarding Your Global Ventures: The Expert's Guide to Risk Reduction

Venturing into international markets is an appealing opportunity for companies seeking expansion, access to new markets, a broader range of skilled professionals, and various other advantages.

Indeed, expanding globally comes with inherent risks. These include increasing interest rates, inflation, geopolitical tensions, supply chain interruptions, and additional challenges. Multinational corporations are focused on mitigating these risks while actively seeking the advantages linked with international expansion.

Certain multinational companies are investigating options beyond the conventional method of international expansion. This traditional approach typically includes creating a legal entity in the desired country, initiating a local payroll system, and directly recruiting and compensating staff.

This article provides an overview of an alternative approach offering lower risk and flexibility than traditional international expansion methods. Additionally, it highlights essential aspects service providers often watch or restrain when pursuing this path.

Scaling Horizons Enterprises need to meticulously assess their alternatives prior to venturing into global markets, ensuring the selection of the most advantageous resolution in accordance with the regulations of the destination nation, short- and long-range corporate tactics, and additional variables. It is crucial to bear in mind that every nation possesses distinctive regulations governing taxation and labor, along with a variety of legal entity alternatives. This segment aims to furnish overarching insights into prevalent alternatives, encompassing advantages and pitfalls, and is not all-encompassing.

Engaging Independent Contractors

Engaging independent contractors during international expansion offers benefits like cost efficiency and tapping into local expertise and networks. However, relying on contractors carries significant risks. There’s a danger of violating local labor regulations if workers are incorrectly classified as contractors instead of employees according to local laws. Employing independent contractors should be limited to specific situations and, due to compliance risks, isn’t usually a suitable choice for expansion.

Non-Resident Employer Registration

Under specific circumstances, a company might qualify to register as a non-resident employer (NRE) in a country. This approach offers cost savings and a quicker setup than forming a legal entity. Yet, NREs come with constraints regarding the quantity of local staff and permitted operations. Typically, an NRE employs one or two individuals for two years or less.

Partnering with an Employer of Record (EOR)

An employer of record (EOR) or EOR provider is a company with an established local legal presence in a specific country. When a growing organization opts for an EOR, this provider hires local workers, pays them in the local currency, offers benefits, and manages income and social security tax payments to local authorities. Simultaneously, the growing company (the client of the EOR provider) supervises and directs these workers. Importantly, using an EOR solution means the expanding organization doesn’t have to establish its legal entity or payroll system in the target country.

Employer of Record services is not designed as a lasting employment resolution. Depending on regional regulations, the type of operations, the workforce size, and additional considerations, an entity might activate a permanent presence and associated responsibilities.

Local Entity Setup

Setting up a legal entity in the new country is the most official way to conduct business in a fresh market and offers the highest adaptability. Expanding globally through a legal entity grants a business complete market entry, allowing engagement in various activities and the hiring of any quantity of employees, among other benefits. Generally, this represents the optimal choice for enduring business commitments.

Exploring Markets Securely & Risk Reduction via EOR

The overview of expansion choices above emphasizes that creating a local legal entity is the most compliant and adaptable approach for entering a new country. However, initiating a legal entity in a new market signifies a substantial commitment, with the process being both costly and time-consuming, especially when considering the potential need to close it down later.

On the contrary, an EOR offers a company a relatively low-risk and swift method to expand internationally and, if needed, withdraw from the market. During periods of intense global economic or geopolitical uncertainty, or when a company isn’t entirely confident about the benefits of entering a new market, an EOR can be especially attractive. It enables an organization to evaluate market feasibility, workforce potential, and customer demand while minimizing expenses, legal intricacies, administrative burdens, and compliance risks.

Moreover, numerous EOR providers operate across multiple countries, allowing companies to test markets in diverse jurisdictions simultaneously. This comparison of outcomes can significantly influence their future operational strategies.

Determining the Transition from EOR to a Legal Entity

It’s crucial to note that an EOR arrangement isn’t intended for long-term use, nor does it provide a company with the ability to thoroughly conduct a broad spectrum of business operations within a country. Significantly, relying on an EOR might constrain an organization’s expansion within the target country. Depending on local tax regulations, enforcement trends, and other factors, if a company gradually hires an excessive number of workers under an EOR, it faces the risk of establishing a taxable presence, also known as a permanent establishment (PE). Therefore, it’s imperative for businesses utilizing an EOR to monitor their local headcount and operational activities closely.

As the risks of establishing a permanent establishment (PE) rise, a company must contemplate creating its local legal entity and transitioning EOR employees to the new entity’s payroll. Alternatively, the company might terminate its association with the EOR and withdraw from the market.

Triggering a permanent establishment involves navigating a complex and, at times, uncertain terrain. Hence, a company facing this situation should engage a third-party expert well-versed in local tax and labor laws to comprehend the advantages and drawbacks of continuing with an EOR. Generally, a company should utilize an EOR for two years or less before setting up its own legal entity or exiting the market.

Sometimes, EOR providers downplay or omit the risks related to permanent establishment (PE). Hence, it’s crucial to either partner with an EOR service provider capable of setting up legal entities, bank accounts, and payrolls in the expansion country or enlist a third-party advisor to accurately evaluate when to transition from the EOR to the company’s independent legal entity.

Establishing a legal entity might extend up to six months in select countries, so organizations should plan well in advance. Despite the potential expenses and time investment, creating a legal entity becomes more cost-efficient than utilizing an EOR once a company achieves a particular scale in a market. Additionally, it grants organizations the freedom to expand without concerns about their tax status.

It’s crucial to grasp that while an EOR offers a speedy, low-risk method to kick off operations in a new place, it might not suit every expansion scenario. Depending on various factors such as the target country, corporate strategies, planned activities, the number of employees involved, and other considerations, initiating a legal entity from the start could be more suitable.

Departing the Market

As previously mentioned, one advantage of using an EOR provider to enter a new market is the relatively swift and economical process of discontinuing the association and exiting the market if your plans alter or your endeavours don’t yield the expected advantages. Conversely, winding down a legal entity can be costly and typically spans around six months.

Should an organization utilizing an EOR depart from the market for any reason, it’s crucial to provide advanced notice to local employees and the EOR provider. Contractual or compliance obligations regarding employee notification and the continuation of benefits might exist. Additionally, terminating an engagement before the end of a calendar year might sometimes entail tax or other responsibilities.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that an EOR can serve as a viable option for organizations winding down a legal entity in a specific jurisdiction yet aiming to sustain a presence in the market. Just as an EOR presents a relatively low-risk market entry, it mitigates risks associated with a complete market exit by enabling the organization to uphold local relationships, cater to local clientele, and retain valued employees.

Bringing on board new employees for your company can often be challenging. IMC offers an EOR & PEO structure to streamline this process, enabling you to recruit fresh talent without establishing a new entity.

The Garne Changer in GRC: Exploring the Might of Knowledge Graphs
In the current dynamic business landscape, effectively managing Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is more essential than ever. The intricacies of GRC have intensified due to economic, geopolitical, social, healthcare, cybersecurity, and various internal and external risks. In this article, we will delve into GRC for the healthcare industry.


The topmost healthcare company recently faced unique challenges regarding Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). These challenges arise due to the highly sensitive nature of patient data, complex regulations and the constantly evolving technology landscape.

The key challenges include ensuring data security and privacy, complying with healthcare regulations, managing risks related to clinical trials and medical research, and maintaining compliance while adopting new technologies.


IMC offers solutions to address the challenges encountered by the healthcare company. We specialize in tailoring comprehensive solutions to address the intricate GRC challenges the healthcare company faces. Our focus lies in fortifying data security measures, devising advanced compliance frameworks aligned with healthcare regulations, and leveraging innovative methodologies to manage and mitigate risks embedded within clinical trials and medical research. Regular compliance audits, staff training on compliance protocols, and fostering a culture of compliance and risk awareness among healthcare professionals are also crucial. Leveraging technology for streamlined GRC processes and fostering collaborations between healthcare and regulatory bodies can also address these challenges.

Key Elements:

We prioritize routine compliance assessments and empower healthcare professionals with specialized training on adherence to stringent protocols. Fostering a culture of compliance and heightened risk awareness is central to fortifying GRC frameworks within healthcare organizations.

Leveraging Technology and Expertise:

Recognizing the pivotal role of technology, we collaborate closely with healthcare entities to adopt cutting-edge solutions that streamline GRC processes—these strategic collaborations aid in navigating the intricate maze of regulations while embracing technological advancements seamlessly.


IMC initiatives drive precision and advancement in healthcare GRC. Our tailored solutions enable healthcare entities to safeguard patient data, adhere to stringent regulations, and effectively manage risks inherent in clinical trials and research endeavors. Here, a healthcare entity uses a knowledge graph to oversee risks related to clinical trials. The knowledge graph compiles extensive data, including trial details, patient involvement, trial progress, and medical research outcomes. By connecting information within this vast dataset, organizations can enhance patient safety, comply with regulations, and expedite drug development processes.

Precision is crucial in healthcare. This concerted approach fosters a secure and compliant environment conducive to adopting innovative technologies to improve patient care. IMC continues to be a driving force in enhancing GRC standards within the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.


The company boosted its GRC capabilities by harnessing knowledge graphs, establishing itself as a pioneer in adopting advanced technologies for comprehensive governance, risk management, and compliance. The dynamic nature of the knowledge graph allowed them to stay ahead in a swiftly changing regulatory environment.

Explore the future of GRC with us, uncovering its potential to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in your organization’s GRC strategies. Our commitment to revolutionize GRC in government institutions showcases our dedication. IMC continues to elevate GRC standards within the demanding governmental sector through strategic partnerships, expertise, and tailored solutions.

Common Questions About Foreign Portfolio Investment

India’s currency has weakened due to a significant outflow of funds. However, its strong underlying strengths and projected growth continue to make it an appealing prospect for foreign investors.

Indian investors can invest from anywhere via several routes: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), Foreign Venture Capital Investment, and Alternative Investment Fund.

Today’s topic of discussion is one of the most popular investment paths – Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI).

What is Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)?

Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) refers to the investment made by non-residents in Indian securities. These securities may include shares, government bonds, corporate bonds, convertible securities, and units of business trusts, among others. Investors who fall under this category are known as Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs).

Can you provide information about India's main laws and regulations for a Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI)?

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) primarily regulates foreign portfolio investments in India. Recently, SEBI has introduced new regulations, called SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019, which replace the old 2014 Regulations. In addition to these regulations, Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) must comply with the Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999 and the Income-tax Act of 1961.

What are the different Types/Categories of Foreign Portfolio Investors in India?

An applicant can obtain an FPI license under SEBI regulations in one of two categories below:

(a) “Category I FPI”, mainly includes:

  • Investors associated with the government or government entities
  • Pension funds and university funds are two separate types of financial entities
  • Entities like asset managers, banks, and investment advisors should be appropriately regulated
  • Entities that meet the eligibility criteria set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) member countries

(b) “Category II FPI” includes all investors who are not eligible under Category I:

  • Funds that are appropriately regulated cannot be considered as Category-I foreign portfolio investors
  • Endowments and foundations are charitable organizations supporting a specific cause or mission
  • “Corporate bodies” refers to organizations or groups legally recognized as distinct entities from their members or owners
  • Family offices
  • Individuals
  • Unregulated funds can take the form of limited partnerships and trusts.

What are the advantages of registering as a Category I FPI compared to Category II?

The main advantages of category I are listed below:

(a) Determining the eligibility to issue Offshore Derivative Instruments (ODIs);

(b) Compared to Category II FPIs, Category I FPIs enjoy easier compliance with certain KYC norms.

(c) Regarding stock and currency derivatives, the position limits have been increased.

Category I FPIs are exempt from the Indian Income-tax Act’s “Indirect Transfer” provisions. These provisions apply to overseas investors who transfer shares/interest in an overseas entity with assets in India.

What are the key operational aspects to consider when making a foreign portfolio investment?

The following are the significant operational features:

1. Appoint a legal representative:

To obtain an FPI license under SEBI regulations in India, it is necessary to appoint a legal representative to assist in the process. The application needs to be submitted in the prescribed format, along with all the required documentation. Financial institutions authorized by the Reserve Bank of India can act as legal representatives and reputable law firms.

2. Appoint a Tax advisor:

If you are an FPI working in India, complying with all tax obligations is essential. A tax advisor can help you with this by maintaining records, issuing certificates for repatriating funds out of India, handling annual tax compliances, and representing you before tax authorities. By hiring a tax advisor, you can ensure that you meet all the requirements and avoid any legal issues related to taxes in India.

3. Appoint a Domestic Custodian

Before investing in India, appointing a domestic custodian to provide custodial services such as banking and Demat operations for your securities is essential. A domestic custodian refers to any entity registered with SEBI to carry out the activity of providing custodial services for securities.

What tax compliances must an FPI follow under the Income Tax Act of 1961?

Foreign Portfolio Investors invest in securities such as shares, bonds, debentures, and units of business trust, earning income in the form of dividends, interest, and capital gains. They must remit this income and capital investment out of India regularly.

To remit funds, deposit the applicable income tax with the government treasury. Taxes depend on the nature of the income and can be paid through withholding or self-assessment. Also, the banker must have a tax advisor’s certificate to remit the funds.

FPIs must file an annual tax return electronically at the end of each Indian financial year. If requested, tax authorities may scrutinize the return.

FPIs face several burning issues under the current tax regime

Many Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) structured as non-corporates have to pay a higher surcharge rate on their income from capital gains. As a result, several FPIs are contemplating converting their structure from non-corporate to corporate. However, this conversion may attract General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) under Indian tax laws.

FPIs with fund managers in India with potential business connections must satisfy prescribed conditions.

Areas Where IMC Can Assist FPIs:
IMC Group has a team of experts to help Foreign Portfolio Investors invest in India. We offer the following services:
Taxation Without Borders: Navigating International Tax Rules for Your Global Workforce

In the ever-expanding global business landscape, organizations often find themselves employing a workforce that spans international borders. While this presents numerous advantages, such as access to a diverse talent pool and new markets, it also brings a unique set of challenges, with international taxation being one of the most complex and critical issues to address. This article delves into the intricate world of international taxation, offering insights and strategies to help you navigate the complexities and ensure compliance while optimizing your global workforce.

Global mobility services play a pivotal role in assisting businesses in managing the tax complexities associated with an internationally dispersed workforce. These services encompass a range of specialized solutions, including tax planning, compliance, and advisory services, tailored to the specific needs of companies with global operations. Leveraging the expertise of global mobility services providers can be instrumental in streamlining tax-related processes and reducing potential risks and liabilities.

With the assistance of global mobility services, businesses can effectively address international taxation challenges, allowing them to remain compliant with tax regulations in various countries and optimize their global workforce. In a world where borders are becoming increasingly blurred in the realm of international business, partnering with global mobility services providers is an essential step toward ensuring your organization’s success on a global scale.

Understanding the Basics

International Taxation - What Is It?

International taxation encompasses the regulations and principles dictating the taxation of income and financial transactions on a global scale. This intricate field addresses the interplay of tax laws among various countries, particularly when individuals, businesses, or entities partake in cross-border activities like international trade, investment, and employment. Navigating this complex landscape involves considerations of residency, double taxation, transfer pricing, and efforts to combat base erosion, all contributing to the dynamic nature of international tax frameworks.

Key Players in International Taxation

Home Country: This is the country where your company is headquartered. It has a say in how your global income is taxed.

Host Country: The country where your employees are based or where your company operates is known as the host country. It can also tax your income.

Tax Treaties: Many countries enter tax treaties to prevent double taxation. These treaties determine how income is allocated and taxed between the home and host country.

The Significance of Compliance

Compliance with international tax rules is crucial for any business operating globally. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues, hefty fines, and damage to your company’s reputation. Therefore, understanding and following these rules is essential.

Tax Compliance in the Employee’s Host Country

An employer with employees working in multiple international locations must comply with the host country’s local and national tax laws. When dealing with a global workforce, paying close attention to tax compliance in the employee’s host country is crucial.

It is essential to remember a few key things, such as:

1. Understanding Local Tax Laws
Each host country has its tax laws and regulations. These can vary significantly from one country to another. To ensure compliance, it’s essential to understand the specific tax requirements and obligations in the host country.
2. Employee Classification
Correctly classifying your employees in the host country is vital. Countries have varying definitions of employment relationships, and misclassification can lead to tax issues. Consulting with legal experts in the host country can help ensure accurate classification.
3. Withholding Taxes
Withholding taxes is a common requirement in many host countries. These are taxes that the employer deducts from the employee’s income and remits to the local tax authorities. Failure to comply with withholding tax regulations can result in penalties and legal consequences.
4. Reporting Requirements
Host countries often have specific reporting requirements that businesses must adhere to. This includes regular reporting of income, expenses, and other financial transactions related to employees. Companies should ensure that they meet these reporting obligations accurately and on time.
5. Seek Professional Guidance
Navigating the tax compliance landscape in a host country can be complex. Engaging with local tax professionals who are well-versed in the specific regulations of the host country can be invaluable. They can provide guidance, ensure compliance, and help your business avoid costly mistakes.

Cross Border Employees Need a Plan for Addressing International Tax Issues

Employers should have a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth transition for employees working abroad and maintain tax compliance. This plan should cover various aspects of international taxation, such as:
1. Employee Education
Provide thorough information and resources to your employees about their tax obligations. Offer guidance on how to fulfil tax requirements while working abroad.
2. Tax Compliance Support
Consider providing assistance or resources to help employees with their tax filings. This support can include connecting them with tax experts who specialize in international tax matters.
3. Structuring Compensation Packages
Work with tax professionals to structure compensation packages that optimize tax benefits for both the employee and the employer. This may include utilizing tax-efficient benefits and incentives.
4. Regular Compliance Checks

Regularly review the tax compliance of your cross-border employees. Ensure compliance with tax obligations to avoid future issues.

Having a well-thought-out plan in place not only facilitates a smoother experience for your international employees but also protects your organization from potential tax and legal complications.

What Qualities to Seek in a Mobility Tax Specialist

Navigating the complex terrain of international taxation requires expertise, and that’s where mobility tax specialists come into play. When searching for the right tax professional to help with your global workforce’s taxation needs, here are some crucial qualities to look for:
1. International Tax Expertise
Choose a tax specialist with a strong background in international taxation. They should be well-versed in global tax rules, treaties, and regulations.
2. Cross-Border Experience
Look for a professional who has experience in dealing with cross-border employees. They should understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by international assignments.
3. Regulatory Knowledge
Your tax specialist should stay up-to-date with the latest tax regulations in your home and host countries. Tax laws change frequently, and compliance is critical.
4. Problem-Solving Skills
International taxation can be rife with complexities. Your chosen specialist should have excellent problem-solving skills to navigate these complexities and find solutions.
5. Communication and Education
A good tax specialist should not only address tax issues but also be able to communicate tax concepts effectively to both employers and employees, empowering them to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, international tax rules for global workforces can be intricate, but with careful planning, education, and the correct tax professionals, businesses can ensure compliance while optimizing their global operations. Addressing the tax obligations of cross-border employees, having a robust plan for international tax issues, and selecting the right mobility tax specialist, such as IMC Group, are key steps in successfully navigating this complex landscape.

IMC Group, with its expertise in global mobility services and international tax matters, can be a valuable partner for businesses looking to manage their tax complexities effectively. They offer comprehensive solutions to help organizations streamline their international operations while remaining in compliance with tax regulations across different countries.

By embracing these principles and collaborating with trusted partners, businesses can thrive in the global marketplace, leaving the borders of taxation behind. Remember that expanding your business across international borders offers tremendous opportunities and brings unique challenges. Understanding and addressing these challenges is essential for your organization’s success in the global arena. So, embrace the opportunities, navigate the complexities, and ensure compliance – because taxation knows no borders in international business.

Zoho - Shaping the Future of Business Success

In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly in pursuit of methods to streamline their operations, boost productivity, and elevate client satisfaction. Among the notable instruments that have made a substantial impact in the business landscape is Zoho.

Zoho offers extensive business tools that operate synergistically, providing a comprehensive solution to your business requirements. Whether your objectives involve client management, inventory oversight, data analysis, or digital document signing, Zoho is well-equipped to meet your needs. In this article, we will delve into how Zoho can potentially transform any business.

Understanding Zoho

Before we explore the transformative possibilities of Zoho, let’s first gain a comprehensive understanding of the offerings within this software.

What is Zoho?

Zoho represents a cloud-based software encompassing an array of applications designed to address nearly every facet of business operations. From Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to accounting, marketing, and project management, Zoho offers a diverse range of tools that can be tailored to meet the distinct needs of any business.

Optimizing Operations

Enhancing Efficiency with Zoho CRM

At the core of Zoho lies its CRM software, a pivotal component. This tool empowers businesses to streamline their sales and client management procedures. By centralizing client data and interactions, Zoho CRM facilitates highly personalized services, improving sales and heightened client retention.

Effective Project Management

Zoho Projects, another valuable component, simplifies project management, enabling seamless team collaboration. From task allocation to progress tracking, Zoho Projects ensures that projects are completed on schedule and within budget.

Boosting Productivity

Fostering Collaboration and Communication

Zoho offers various communication and collaboration tools, including Zoho Mail and Zoho Docs. These tools foster seamless cooperation among teams, regardless of their geographic locations. This, in turn, enhances productivity and ensures that vital information is readily accessible.

Automation through Zoho Workflow

The most transformative feature of Zoho is its workflow automation. By automating routine tasks, businesses can conserve time and resources, allowing employees to concentrate on more critical aspects of their work.

Enhancing Client Satisfaction

Tailored Client Support

Zoho Desk, a customer support solution, empowers businesses to deliver top-tier customer service. Features such as ticketing and multi-channel support guarantee the swift resolution of customer issues, leading to increased client satisfaction.

Marketing Insights

Zoho Marketing Hub equips businesses with valuable insights into their marketing campaigns. Companies can customize their marketing strategies to maximize customer engagement and conversions by comprehending customer behaviour and preferences.

Whether the goal is operational streamlining, productivity enhancement, or the elevation of client satisfaction, Zoho stands as a versatile platform that can adapt to the distinct requirements of each business.

Let’s embark on a journey across ten diverse business sectors to witness how Zoho can simplify your operations. Prepare to explore how Zoho can streamline your business, irrespective of your industry. To find a solution, it’s important to work smarter, not harder.

Real Estate

Real estate companies can simplify property management processes with Zoho, covering tasks such as listing management, client interactions, and document handling.
Zoho CRM
Supervise property listings, oversee client portfolios, and nurture prospective clients. Monitor the sales process to elevate conversion rates and client gratification.
Zoho Sign
Securely deliver digital signatures for lease or sales agreements, guaranteeing statutory compliance and expediting the document procedure, thereby economizing time for both the agency and clients.
Zoho Social
This instrument streamlines the effortless promotion of property listings on multiple social media platforms, expanding the agency’s outreach and attracting potential clients, culminating in prompt closures.


Manufacturing entities can streamline the administration of production, inventory, and sales management through Zoho tools.

Zoho Inventory

By tracking inventory from raw materials to finished products, this utility assures a streamlined production procedure and prevents delays due to shortages of materials.
Zoho CRM
Efficiently managing client orders and associations guarantees prompt, personalized service.
Zoho Analytics
Enterprises can maximize profits by optimizing procedures through insights into production bottlenecks, inventory turnover, and sales performance.
Zoho People
This utility oversees efficient labor and resource management for production schedules, facilitating the monitoring of employee attendance, time tracking, and streamlining safety and compliance training for factory laborers.

Legal Services

Legal enterprises can rationalize case administration, billing, and secure communication to elevate efficiency and client gratification through the utility of Zoho applications.
This application facilitates precise tracking of billable hours, punctual invoicing, and financial administration, ensuring transparency and integrity.
Zoho CRM
Centralized administration monitors all client interactions, court dates, and case histories to prevent omitting critical information or dates.
Zoho WorkDrive
This utility enables secure document collaboration for confidential case teamwork.
Zoho People
It administers attorney certifications and continued education requisites, project administration focused on clients and billing tracking. Additionally, it handles confidential legal employee information securely.

Media and Entertainment

In media and entertainment, efficient supervision of creative projects, client relations, and online campaigns is pivotal. Zoho delivers utilities that streamline these processes.
Zoho Backstage
In event organization, Backstage efficiently manages in-person and hybrid events.
Zoho Projects
This application streamlines project management by delineating project schedules, resource allocation, and deliverables tracking, ensuring efficient production processes.
Zoho CRM
It augments the quality of relationships with advertisers, sponsors, and viewers by offering personalized experiences.

Finance and Banking

In finance, it is essential to handle customer relationships, derive valuable insights from data, and securely store sensitive information. Zoho provides dedicated tools to meet these requirements.
Zoho Analytics
This tool provides reliable data analytics to comprehend market trends, enabling informed investment determinations and facilitating strategic planning for the future.
Zoho CRM
This application facilitates the administration of client relations and the tracking of financial products, delivering personalized service and heightened satisfaction.
Zoho Vault
This instrument ensures the secure storage of sensitive information while adhering to industry-standard security protocols, diminishing the risk of data breaches.

Travel and Hospitality

The travel and hospitality industry demands effective customer service, efficient booking management, and successful marketing. Zoho offers solutions to improve customer experiences and streamline operations.
Zoho CRM
This tool aids enterprises in overseeing customer profiles and booking histories, enabling them to offer tailored deals and services, resulting in increased customer contentment and recurrent business.
Zoho Desk
It furnishes an efficient platform for managing customer inquiries, grievances, and solicitations, ensuring a delightful guest encounter.
Zoho Campaigns
This application permits personalized email marketing founded on customer inclinations and booking history, ameliorating engagement and stimulating repeat bookings.
Zoho Expense
Zoho 360 is an astute web-based application that simplifies expense management. It tracks all expenses and payment methods, generates analytical reports, and aids top-level management in identifying areas for cost curtailment. It simplifies intricate calculations, economizes time and effort, and enhances financial budgeting.


Nonprofit organizations can streamline the administration of donations, volunteer scheduling, and donor-recipient connections with Zoho utilities.
Zoho CRM
Monitoring contributions and handling donor associations is indispensable for personalized correspondence and augmented contributions.
Zoho Creator
Nonprofits can effectively manage volunteer timetables, strategize events, and assess impact with tailor-made applications, ensuring smoother operations.
Zoho Books

This tool facilitates cost control, financial monitoring, and transparent reporting, ensuring accountability. Additionally, we offer cloud accounting services through Zoho Books.

Zoho People
This utility governs volunteer administration and coordination for assorted projects, including compliance management for grant-supported programs. It streamlines HR processes to optimize resources for the organization’s mission.

Software Development

Effectively overseeing coding projects, tracking software flaws, and upholding positive client relations are pivotal in the technology sector. Zoho provides tools to streamline these responsibilities, intensifying productivity and client satisfaction.
Zoho Sprints
This resource facilitates Agile project supervision, tracking sprint progress, and prioritizing tasks, resulting in a more efficient software development process.
As a resource, it helps manage client interactions, monitors software prerequisites, and upholds communication to ensure individualized service.
Zoho Developer
Zoho Developer simplifies the construction of enterprise-level applications with drag-and-drop tools and user-friendly coding alternatives. The platform furnishes a straightforward interface, enabling teams to devise custom applications swiftly and effortlessly.


Educational institutions necessitate tools to govern learning materials, student information, and communication with students and parents.
Zoho Classes
This platform streamlines remote learning by overseeing class timetables, assessing assignments, and facilitating virtual classrooms.
Zoho CRM
This resource simplifies the student inquiry process, application procedures, and alumni relationships, fostering a robust and significant community.
Zoho Office Suite
All the indispensable tools for generating spreadsheets, text documents, and presentations in one location.
Zoho People
It governs faculty and staff schedules effectively, monitors teacher qualifications and certifications, and manages the protection of student data and compliance.


Efficient crop management, optimized supply chains, and data-informed customer relations are imperative in the agricultural sector. Zoho offers potent resources to help businesses attain these objectives.
Zoho Inventory
This resource supervises the inventory of seeds, fertilizers, and produce, resulting in diminished waste and optimized expenses.
Zoho CRM
This software oversees customer connections by monitoring orders and preferences and offering customized service.
Zoho Analytics
This application empowers data-driven decision-making with insights into crop yields, sales data, and market trends.

Embarking on your journey with Zoho may seem intricate initially. Nevertheless, you are primed for triumph with xponential Digital as your devoted Zoho Consulting Partner. It specializes in the precise adaptation and enhancement of the Zoho platform to align with sector-specific requisites. Elevate your operational excellence with Zoho, guided by the expertise of xponential Digital.

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