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The Importance of Transaction Advisory Lessons from Business Successes and Failures

Transaction advisory is essential for major business deals, as evidenced by both triumphs and disasters. Advisors help guide strategic decisions and avoid costly mistakes through services like valuation, due diligence and M&A counsel.

Consider Disney acquiring Pixar in 2006 for $7.4 billion. Pixar made blockbusters like Toy Story and became Disney’s most successful film studio. Disney likely relied on advisors to value Pixar, conduct due diligence and negotiate the deal. The result was a massive success, demonstrating the value of expert transaction advisory.

Conversely, Time Warner acquiring AOL in 2000 for $182 billion failed spectacularly. Within a year, the combined company lost $99 billion in value as the tech bubble burst. Lack of advisors contributed to overpaying and botching the risky, ill-conceived deal. 

In 2005, Procter & Gamble acquired Gillette for $57 billion, gaining brands like Braun, Duracell and Gillette. Valued at nearly 2x Gillette’s market cap, the deal was risky but rewarding long-term. Advisors probably assessed the strategic rationale, growth opportunities and cultural fit to convince P&G to go ahead. Fifteen years on, it seems an inspired move demonstrating advisory’s long view.

Compare this to Kraft Heinz buying Unilever in 2017 for $143 billion, unsuccessfully attempting a hostile takeover. If accomplished, it may have burdened Kraft Heinz with massive debt, as Unilever rejected the offer. However, with extensive due diligence advisors could have objectively evaluated the deal and avoided this failure.

In 2000, eBay bought PayPal for $1.5 billion, gaining a payments arm and fuelling its growth into a $36 billion company. EBay likely relied on advisors to spot PayPal’s potential, negotiate the deal and develop an expansion strategy. This showcase success proves great advisory adds exponential value.

Finally, consider WeWork’s failed 2019 IPO that lost SoftBank billions and ousted CEO Adam Neumann. Had WeWork employed advisors, they may have assessed the company as overvalued, lacking viability for public markets. The risky deal may have been restructured or avoided, sparing stakeholders significant losses.

The examples underscore the benefits of Transaction Advisory Services and the risks of not having them. For significant deals, expert counsel from firms like IMC Group offers essential long-term perspectives, objective assessments, and Due Diligence Services that can mean the difference between success and failure. By balancing opportunities and viability, advisors guide businesses to structurally sound, value-generating transactions.

The 6 Attributes to Look for in a Modern GRC Platform

Cybersecurity and compliance are two of the biggest challenges facing today’s organisations. There are several reasons for this.

  • Cybersecurity threats and regulations are constantly evolving. Cybercriminals are continuously developing new methods to attack businesses, while regulators regularly modify existing rules and introduce new ones.
  • Compliance requires a lot of repetitive, manual work to gather evidence and fill in forms. There is also an overwhelming amount of information to monitor and analyse, yet a shortage of skilled professionals to do so.
  • Most large organisations work with thousands of suppliers, making vendor risk management an enormous task.

Although governance, risk and compliance (GRC) tools have been available for some time, many are cumbersome and outdated. Organisations need an automated, unified approach to risk management that improves compliance and boosts cybersecurity.

If your organisation is looking to replace traditional GRC tools, consider the following attributes:

Everything in one place

If risk, vendor, contract and IT asset data are stored in separate systems, it’s difficult to analyse and report on. An integrated GRC platform provides a ‘single source of truth’ by automatically updating data from various sources.

Support for Automation

Essential tasks like penetration testing, risk monitoring, vendor assessments and security event analysis should be automated. Manual processes are inefficient, error-prone and unable to keep up with the pace of business.

Available Integrations

Integrations with systems like single sign-on, SIEM, SOAR and business software enable the automatic collection and analysis of compliance evidence. Without them, demonstrating adherence to standards is challenging.

Simple to Use

Exporting data in an easy-to-understand format is key for demonstrating progress to auditors, management and employees. Templates and intuitive interfaces also help stakeholders without technical backgrounds gain insights.

Streamlined Data Input

While risk input requires human judgement and can’t be fully automated, the process should be as simple as possible. Time spent manually entering risks into the GRC platform reduces that available for strategic work.

Augmented with AI

Modern GRC tools apply AI to detect anomalies in data, identify cyber threats and streamline repetitive tasks like report generation. This reduces the burden on cybersecurity and compliance teams while improving effectiveness.

100% security isn’t possible, so organisations must accept and manage risk. An automated, integrated GRC platform with AI helps demonstrate your value and instils confidence in stakeholders that the organisation is compliant and secure.

To find out more about modern governance, risk and compliance solutions, contact IMC Group. IMC Group’s GRC platform integrates all your systems into a central solution augmented by AI to provide a new level of risk visibility and control. IMC Group also offers cutting-edge Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solutions to help organizations effectively identify, assess, and manage risks. By incorporating ERM into their suite of services, IMC Group ensures that companies can proactively address potential threats, maintain regulatory compliance, and make informed decisions. With these Enterprise Risk Management solutions, businesses can achieve a comprehensive approach to GRC and drive sustainable growth in today’s dynamic and uncertain environment.

The Intersection of HR and Global Mobility: Essential Considerations

Global mobility has become a key business strategy for companies looking to expand into new markets. Allowing employees to relocate internationally can benefit both businesses and staff, but also presents challenges for HR in managing the process.

What is Global Mobility?

Global mobility refers to companies moving employees from one country to another, either short or long-term. This approach is increasingly common as businesses become more global and workforces more flexible. For companies, it aids expansion into new markets. For employees, it provides career and cultural opportunities. However, it requires comprehensive management from HR to handle immigration, taxation, recruitment and employee wellbeing.

Expanding into new countries is crucial for business growth, and global mobility enables this in several ways:

Access to Talent

Relocation opportunities attract candidates willing to move abroad for work. This gives companies a larger talent pool to recruit from.

Cultural Understanding

Employees with experience of different cultures and markets can help companies adapt products, services and strategies to suit local needs.


The right employees will settle well into new roles and surroundings, maintaining or improving productivity. Regular check-ins from HR help achieve this.


Global mobility programmes provide progression opportunities for high-potential employees, which aids staff retention and motivation.

Considerations for HR

While global mobility benefits business strategy, it also presents challenges for HR:

Employee Contracts

Contracts must cover immigration, tax, compensation and relocation terms. Relocation clauses allowing companies to move staff can be controversial.

Performance Management

HR must monitor employee performance during and after relocation to ensure productivity and wellbeing. Targets and regular contact are important.


Advertising relocation opportunities attracts certain candidates but deters others. Discussing mobility in the interview process and offering relocation packages helps.


HR must determine who is eligible for global mobility based on seniority and business needs. A structured programme is required.

Global mobility is crucial for companies expanding internationally, enabling access to new talent, cultural insight, productivity and development opportunities. However, it also brings responsibilities for HR in managing employee mobility. IMC Group offers Global payroll solutions and HR consulting services to support companies implementing global mobility programmes. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

8 Key Global Talent Acquisition Trends for 2023

Forward-thinking organizations thriving in an ever-evolving global landscape are habitually strategic with their talent acquisition tactics. To stay competitive, business owners and HR managers have been exploring the latest talent acquisition trends. Embracing cutting-edge technology and adopting best practices can help you navigate the complexities of global talent acquisition.

At IMC Group, we specialize in designing customized payroll management solutions and offer global mobility services.

If you are planning to go international with your workforce, we bring you some of the most dominating global talent acquisition trends that you might consider.

Top global talent acquisition trends to follow in 2023

Explore the key global talent acquisition trends that can set your organization apart in the competitive business scape.

1. Shifting the Focus from Local to Global

The most remarkable recruiting trend in 2023 reveals that organizations are likely to prioritize global talent acquisition. As a strategic approach to diversify and adapt to the evolving market demands, brands are increasingly pooling in talent from other countries.

The evolving trend of working remotely enables brands to attract and hire talent regardless of their geographical boundaries. Thus, businesses are focussing on expanding their pool of potential candidates and recruiting beyond local demographics.

2. Tapping Emerging Talent Hubs

Businesses are consistently exploring emerging talent hubs to tap valuable human resources in 2023. Often, traditional recruitment processes overlook locations that produce highly skilled professionals capable of addressing local skills shortages. By tapping into these emerging talent pools, your business can gain a competitive edge as you hunt for top-notch talent.

Tech giants, for instance, are exploring talent hubs like Uruguay and Poland to find specialized professionals.

A report reveals that 77% of HR professionals consider skill shortage to be the prime hurdle while hiring. As this problem persists, talent shortage in home countries has prompted some organizations to explore further to find the right talent.

According to Oxford Economics, countries such as South Africa, Colombia, India, and Indonesia are expected to experience economic growth as well as talent surplus in the coming years. Naturally, organizations need to tap into emerging markets to fulfill their workforce needs.

3. Flexibility in Qualifications

Recent recruitment trends reveal that hiring practices will place greater emphasis on soft skills and a flexible approach to qualifications. Emerging talent markets have already witnessed remarkable increases in national education levels. In these markets, skilled professionals may lack the practical exposure that businesses typically seek. Recruiters are expanding their criteria beyond job experience and academic qualifications. Currently, they are prioritizing traits like critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and emotional intelligence. Thus, recruiters have come up with new parameters to evaluate the skills of the most suitable candidates.

4. Focus on Reskilling and Upskilling

Besides prioritizing soft skills, recruiters need to take adequate measures to reskill and upskill candidates to prepare a future-ready workforce. The global economy is ever-changing. With rapid digitization, businesses need to remain agile and flexible to challenges.

One of the notable trends in 2023 reveals that businesses are increasingly investing in upskilling and reskilling programs. As a result, employees can overcome fresh challenges and seamlessly blend into new digital trends.

5. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

In 2023, inclusion and diversity will continue to mould global recruiting trends. A diverse workforce enjoys a plethora of benefits, 2.5 times higher cash flow for each employee. Organizations need to address potential biases in their application processes to foster diversity. It’s imperative for them to explore new strategies and integrate both local and international teams. Businesses can create a rich and inclusive work environment by recognizing the value of different cultures and backgrounds in their workforce.

6. Strategic Workforce Planning

In 2023, talent managers need to adapt their strategies as global recruitment trends continue to evolve, moving beyond their conventional success formulas. A mindful approach is the need of the hour that should shape workforce planning. HR managers also need to leverage tools such as predictive analytics and AI to make data-driven hiring decisions.

Through strategic planning, organizations can identify necessary skill sets for critical roles and market trends. This way, they can align their talent acquisition efforts and future growth objectives together.

7. Exploring the Power of Recruitment Technology

Recruitment technology is set to play a pivotal role in global hiring trends for 2023. Surveys reveal that 59% of HR decision-makers, talent professionals, and recruiters expect to spend more in adopting new recruitment technologies. Technology goes a long way in shaping global recruitment trends. While many employers are using the traditional process, forward-thinking organizations are making the most of available tools.

Reviewing applications manually turn out to be a time-intensive affair. Organizations are automating their recruitment processes through various digital tools. Applicant tracking Systems (ATS) can streamline the onboarding process. One of the core functions of AI-backed ATS is to filter applicants based on keywords and specific criteria. Some companies are already using chatbots to interact with potential employees. Using ATS, chatbots, and other sophisticated tools, organizations can streamline their international hiring processes. This goes a long way in mitigating manual effort and time in reviewing applications.

8. The Focus on Employer Branding

Among other aspects, employer branding will be phenomenal in attracting and retaining global talent. An employer brand conveys greater credibility as a recruiter and helps potential candidates visualize the work culture and environment.

Businesses are expected to redefine their Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and thereby showcase their commitment to fostering an exceptional work environment.

Simplifying International Workforce Mobility with IMC Group

When expanding globally and onboarding employees internationally, IMC Group offers comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses. We seamlessly integrate identified talent, streamline processes, and ensure compliance with local regulations. With our expertise in global workforce management, trust IMC Group as your reliable partner for a smooth transition and efficient international operations.

Driving Growth through Outsourcing: Understanding the Key Benefits of Back Office Operations in 2023

As business operations become, more complex and wage costs increase, outsourcing non-core back office functions can provide many advantages. Here are the top 5 benefits of outsourcing back-office operations in 2023:

Cost savings

Outsourcing back office functions like accounting, HR, IT support and facilities management can significantly reduce operating expenses. An outsourcing partner can provide the same services at a lower cost due to economies of scale, experience and specialized resources. You pay a fixed fee for a defined set of services rather than having higher overhead costs related to in-house staff.

Access to expertise

Outsourcing providers have deep expertise in providing specific back-office functions that your in-house staff may lack. They stay up to date on the latest technology, processes and best practices that allow them to provide a higher level of service. You gain access to this specialized expertise without having to invest in building it internally.

Flexibility and scalability

Outsourcing back-office operations gives you the flexibility to scale services up or down according to your needs. If your business starts to grow rapidly, you can easily increase the volume and types of outsourced services. Conversely, if business slows, you only pay for the services you require at that time, allowing you to reduce costs.

Focus on core business

When back-office tasks are handled externally, your in-house staff can focus all their energy on your core operational and revenue-generating activities. Outsourcing non-essential functions allows you to optimize resources and boost productivity related to your key objectives.

Risk mitigation

Outsourcing distributes responsibility for providing services and reduces risk exposure for your company. Outsourcing providers assume liability for errors, compliance issues and security breaches related to their scope of work. They also implement best practices, quality control measures and disaster recovery plans that would be costly for you to implement on your own.


Outsourcing back office operations allows businesses to reduce costs, gain expertise, increase flexibility, optimize resources and mitigate risk while staying focused on their core mission. With business environments constantly shifting and the ever-evolving nature of business environments becoming more challenging than ever, companies that choose strategic outsourcing partnerships such as IMC Group’s to outsource your finance & accounting services ensure they can stay competitive by harnessing accessing expertise and resources needed for survival in today’s fast-paced environment.
Global M&A Trends 2023: Navigating Market Turmoil and Seizing Opportunities

Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory Services are witnessing significant changes as market turmoil, stalling M&A activity, and a challenging economic landscape make their mark. Despite these factors, recent data indicate that there are exciting M&A opportunities in 2023, especially for organizations looking for M&A transaction advisory services in Dubai and other international markets. In 2022, deal volumes were 9% greater than pre-pandemic levels. The current market conditions are favourable for M&A if organisations possess a well-thought-out strategy, financial resources, and the courage to undertake transformational deals that will shape their businesses and contribute to their long-term success.

The Economic Picture and Challenges in Early 2023

At the beginning of 2023, global recession fears and rising interest rates cast a shadow over the economic outlook. Central bankers are grappling with record inflation, while executives face delays due to concerned investors who are still analyzing the severe global stock market crash in 2022, the war in Ukraine, other geopolitical crises, supply chain disruptions, and stricter regulatory scrutiny.

Why Downturn Deals Can Be Successful

Downturn deals often yield the best results, as buyers can outperform in challenging times. Many C-suites and boards may consider M&A due to a reset in valuations, reduced competition for acquisitions, and new assets coming to the market, particularly distressed businesses. Some companies have already invested in bold moves to outpace their rivals.

Surprisingly, 60% of CEOs in a recent global survey stated that they would not defer deals in 2023 to avoid economic uncertainty, even though 73% are pessimistic about global growth. M&A can help CEOs accelerate digital and ESG reforms, which are crucial for long-term success.

Technology's Role in Dealmaking

Technology has been a dominant force in dealmaking, with many companies striving to acquire digital assets and capabilities. Due to fierce competition and high-value multiples, some firms have struggled to make acquisitions. Companies want to position themselves against competitors and a rapidly changing market, fill their pipelines, reorient to new markets, and redefine themselves beyond tech skills and the energy transition.

Regional M&A Trends

Asia Pacific: Deal volumes and values in the Asia Pacific region declined by 23% and 33% between 2021 and 2022, with China experiencing the largest drops (46% and 35%). China’s pandemic response and weak export demand have slowed domestic M&A. Companies investing in Asia are increasingly looking beyond China to India, Japan, and Southeast Asia. India is currently trailing China in deal values but has surpassed Japan and South Korea.

EMEA: Despite rising energy costs and wavering investor confidence, M&A in EMEA outperformed Asia Pacific and the Americas. EMEA deal volumes and valuations decreased by 12% and 37% between 2021 and 2022. However, the region had 20,000 deals in 2022—17% higher than pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

Americas: Macroeconomic, regulatory, and geopolitical challenges have reduced deal volumes and values between 17% and 40% from 2021 to 2022 in the Americas. Megadeals—transactions over US$5 billion—fell from 81 to 42 during the same period. The decline was more significant in the second half of 2022, with only 16 megadeals compared to 26.

M&A Outlook for 2023 and the Role of Advisory Services

CEOs will focus on reinvention and M&A in 2023. Dealmakers will closely monitor when the US Federal Reserve stops raising interest rates due to recessionary fears. Stability and assurance will drive M&A activity, especially in the private equity sector. M&A, particularly portfolio optimization, will help business executives reposition, expand, and succeed in this rapidly changing landscape.

While global M&A trends in 2023 are influenced by market turmoil and economic challenges, opportunities still exist for organisations with a clear strategy, financial resources, and the ability to navigate transformational deals. By focusing on reinvention, digital and ESG reforms, and portfolio optimization, companies can successfully leverage M&A to secure their long-term growth and success in the face of adversity. To navigate these complex transactions, organizations may benefit from partnering with M&A transaction advisory services in Singapore and other global hubs like the IMC Group, which can provide valuable expertise and guidance in executing successful deals.

Global Growth Made Easy: PayNow and UPI Linkage Empowers Singapore-India Trade

We are pleased to announce the launch of the PayNow and India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) linkage, providing an instant, secure, and direct fund transfer service between the two countries. This milestone initiative was first proposed during PM Narendra Modi’s 2018 visit to Singapore, and the discussion of digital connectivity was further intensified at the India-Singapore Ministerial Roundtable held last year.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and all stakeholders involved for bringing this vision to fruition. This linkage will enable customers of participating financial institutions* in Singapore and India to send and receive funds between bank accounts or e-wallets across the two countries in real-time. They can do this using just the mobile phone number, UPI identity, or Virtual Payment Address (VPA). The linkage provides customers with a safe, simple, and cost-effective way to make cross-border fund transfers. This represents a significant step forward in strengthening the relationship between the two countries, as we explore and pursue new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

If you are an Indian company seeking to expand into Singapore, this is fantastic news! Incorporating a Singapore Company and establishing a presence in this dynamic and business-friendly city-state has never been easier. Take advantage of Singapore’s status as a regional hub for technology, finance, and business, and tap into the many opportunities available here.

Furthermore, if you are a single-family office, you will be pleased to know that Singapore is home to a thriving family office ecosystem. Singapore has established itself as a hub for wealth management and private banking, and it boasts a range of services that cater to family offices’ unique needs. With its excellent business infrastructure, low tax rates, and stable political environment, Singapore is an ideal location for Indian family offices looking to expand internationally.

We believe that this partnership between PayNow and UPI will continue to spawn innovative technology solutions, creating more cross-border opportunities for our digital economies. Don’t miss out on this chance to expand your business and take advantage of the growing digital economy in Singapore.

Get in touch with IMC today to learn more about incorporating a Singapore company or establishing a Single Family Office in Singapore.

*Singapore participants are DBS and Liquid Group. India participants are Axis Bank, DBS India, ICICI Bank, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank and State Bank of India (more institutions will be added gradually).

Empowering Teams with Flexible Workspaces: The Key to Better Recruitment and Retention

In the context of a global economy, it is crucial for companies to attract and retain the best talent to stay competitive on the international stage. An effective strategy for gaining a competitive advantage is to provide a flexible workspace that caters to the requirements of the current distributed workforce. This article explores how flexible workspace solutions can assist global employers in attracting and retaining top talent across geographical borders.

What defines a flexible workspace?

A flexible workspace refers to a comprehensive workspace solution that offers employees and teams a range of work options based on their individual needs. Such options include open offices, hot desks, and coworking spaces.

Advantages of Offering Flexible Workspace Solutions to International Staff

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction:

The increase in remote work has resulted in a growing demand among employees to work from locations that align with their preferences and lifestyle. By availing a global network of flexible work desks, employees can easily locate a workspace that is convenient for them, irrespective of their location. This allows employees to have greater autonomy over their work environment, leading to an improved performance in a workspace that suits them best.

Heightened Efficiency and Teamwork:

Flexible workspaces not only offer convenience to employees but also provide them with fresh and distinct work environments that can stimulate creativity and innovation. This advantage is particularly evident in coworking spaces, where employees and businesses from diverse backgrounds and industries come together. The resulting diversity of perspectives can lead to the generation of novel ideas and innovative work methodologies.

Improved Harmony Between Work and Personal Life:

Offering employees greater flexibility in terms of when and where they work can help them manage their personal and professional lives effectively. Work flexibility is particularly crucial for employees who have family commitments, lengthy commutes, or inadequate access to stable and secure WiFi connectivity at home. When employers empower their teams to choose their work schedule and location, it promotes a better work-life balance, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction while reducing stress and burnout levels among employees.

Enhanced Relationships and Involvement:

Providing employees with access to a worldwide network of flexible workspaces enhances their sense of connection with the company. When employees can work from a location that is convenient for them, it improves their level of engagement with the work. This advantage is especially relevant for international employees who may experience feelings of isolation or disconnection from their colleagues and the organization’s central office.

Enhanced Trustworthiness:

Empowering employees to select their preferred work schedule and location is a clear demonstration of trust from employers. This trust reflects respect for employees, which has a positive impact on their job performance. Additionally, when employers exhibit trust and respect towards their employees, it creates a mutual feeling of trust and respect, leading to elevated morale, improved teamwork, and increased innovation within the workforce.

Expense Reduction:

Employers can significantly reduce lease costs, as well as the expenditure on office furniture and equipment, by providing flexible workspace solutions. Most flexible workspaces come pre-equipped with all the essential amenities, resulting in cost savings for the employer. Moreover, through discounted global workspace access, employers can enjoy significant savings. These cost savings, along with those attained from using online collaboration tools, can be reinvested in building a better team.

Global Appeal and Talent Retention Through Adaptable Workspace Solutions

Organizations worldwide are recognizing the significance of creating a comfortable and productive workspace for their employees. Including flexible workspaces as part of an employee benefits package can offer a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent internationally. With flexible workspace solutions, employers can reduce lease costs and office equipment expenses, enhance employee productivity, collaboration, and job satisfaction, promote work-life balance, and foster better engagement with the company. By empowering employees with the freedom and flexibility to work in an environment that suits them best, employers demonstrate trust and respect, leading to the creation of a more robust and innovative team.

In summary, a flexible workspace is a win-win situation for both employers and employees in the global economy, promoting a mutually beneficial work culture.

International Benefits: Incentives that Drive Hiring and Employee Retention

International Benefits

Incentives that Drive Hiring and Employee Retention

Successfully recruit and retain exceptional talent amidst fierce competition in the hiring market.

Gain a Competitive Hiring Advantage with Comprehensive Rewards Packages

As an employer, it’s essential to recognize that attracting and retaining top talent requires more than just offering competitive salaries. In today’s highly competitive job market, job seekers are looking for comprehensive benefits packages that meet their unique needs and desires. To become an employer of choice, you need to offer rewards that go above and beyond the standard offerings of most global employers of record.

One way to achieve this is by working with experts who can help you craft comprehensive, market-specific benefits packages that are tailored to your employees’ needs. These experts can help you understand the unique needs of your workforce and design benefits that will excite job seekers and increase workforce loyalty.

Comprehensive Coverage:

Provide your talented employees with everything they need to feel valued, including comprehensive benefits such as full health coverage, robust pension plans, and life insurance, among others

Elite Specialization:

Count on our team of experts to provide you with guidance on the optimal rewards solutions, while also providing quick and localized support to both you and your global workforce.

Global Governance:

Rest assured that your benefits packages comply with local statutory requirements across countries, providing you with peace of mind

Value-Based Pricing:

Access exclusive rates available only to large-scale providers, allowing us to offer you top coverage at competitive prices.

Boost employee satisfaction and retention rates by offering supplemental benefits in addition to mandatory ones

Providing statutory benefits such as medical, life, pensions, and time off is mandatory for employers in a given country. However, we take it a step further by offering your talent additional supplemental benefits that go beyond the legal requirements. By doing so, we aim to make your employees feel appreciated, valued, and motivated, which can give your company a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

More than just a vendor - we're a dedicated partner invested in your company's success

Just as you work hard to take care of your employees, we at IMC Group are dedicated to providing you and your talent with the highest level of support in the industry. Our team of experts is committed to offering assistance on everything from compliance-related inquiries to rewards strategies and more. With our localized approach, we are here to help at every step, providing the guidance you need to succeed.

Enhance Your Talent Attraction and Retention Efforts: Offer Equity to Your Employees Worldwide with Our Global Equity Program

One of the simplest methods for providing global equity awards and stock options

IMC Group collaborates with top legal advisory firms to assist you in providing globally compliant and customized equity plans and stock options. By delivering consistent packages regardless of location, you can attract qualified candidates and ensure that your talented employees remain loyal to your organization.

Integrated Solutions:

We take care of everything, from researching grant options to providing support with withholding rates, payroll processing, supplemental reporting, and other related tasks.

Global Adherence:

Our in-house experts collaborate closely with globally recognized consultants to guarantee that your equity awards conform to local regulations and standards.

Tailored Compensation Plans:

We simplify the process of granting various types of awards, such as stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock units, and phantom awards, making it effortless for you to issue them.

Rapid Response Services:

Get access to competitive pricing on top-notch coverage by leveraging rates that are exclusively available to large-scale providers.

Grant Worldwide Equity with Regional Customization:

Offering equity awards and stock options to foreign employees should not be challenging. You can obtain detailed, country-specific recommendations on equity packages through our comprehensive resource center. Moreover, our experts are available to provide fast and localized support whenever you require additional assistance.

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