Merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions often turn out to be too complex, which justifies the need for due diligence. In this edition of our newsletter, we will explore why due diligence proves to be the cornerstone to mitigate business risks. Successful entities seek professional Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory in the UAE, discovering opportunities and fostering transparency between sellers and buyers.
Let’s find out how the transformative potential of due diligence can shape the trajectory of your M&A efforts.
What Makes Due Diligence Indispensible?
The Scope of Due Diligence during M&A Activities
1. Corporate
2. Related Party Contracts
3. Finance
4. Commercial
5. Intellectual Property (IP)
6. Litigation
7. Employment
8. Property
9. Regulatory
Professional Due Diligence Services in the UAE
A robust legal counsel can significantly help business entities simplify the challenges during M&A transactions. Partnering with the IMC Group, known for its transaction advisory services in Dubai, brings professionalism and expertise to the table. This team of experts has a proven track record of facilitating cross-border and domestic corporate transactions.